Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{simple things}

dried lime green hydrangea and birch twigs

a decorative glass bluebird

a mandarin plum and vanilla scented candle

freshly washed blankets, sheets and towels

cooking and creating in my kitchen

Sometimes the simplest things can bring you such comfort.
Here are a few of mine:

I have always loved having a bit of nature indoors with me. Dried hydrangeas greet me as I walk into my master bath. The little glass bluebird sparkles beautifully in the sunlight and reminds me of my mother's love of birds. The sweet notes of a mandarin, plum and vanilla candle fill the room and bring calm and comfort to my senses. Wrapping up in freshly scented linens and a newly dressed bed is absolute pure bliss. Cooking brings me calm and it encourages me creatively to branch out, to explore different recipes and tastes and master signature dishes.

What small and simple touches make a big difference in the comfort and enjoyment of your home? Share with me!


  1. Simple things I love:

    My W Hotels CD, which I purchased at the hotel in Times Square, NYC, sometime in 2002 or 2003. It was plying in my room one evening after turndown service, and to this day, it serves as the one thing that can turn my mood around.

    A freshly sharpened pencil.

    A new cookbook to read and explore.

    New pajamas.

    The smell of vanilla.

    Lists. Any kind of list. It gives such a feeling of satisfaction to check things off!

    Preparing and cooking farmer's market produce, the evening after purchasing it at a roadside stand.

    Snuggling with my children, even if just for a minute.

    {P.S. I would love to know where I might be able to find one of those mandarin plum and vanilla candles!}

  2. Love your favs! I found the candle at Pier 1... the have a few blissful ones that are so perfect for this sweet season. Enjoy finding one you love!
