Friday, May 27, 2011

Give Your Skin a Golden Glow

Okay. No judgment here, but the phrase, "everything in moderation" really IS a great rule of thumb. For example, have you ever seen anyone SO tan, SO, SO, SOOOO tan from the orangy {another made up word of mine} "whatever-it-was" that they used to get their skin that way {purposely, I might add} and it just seemed to gleam like a fire's embers under REALLY yellow/brassy blond hair color and BAARIGHT blue {not normal blue, but freakish blue} contact lenses and a few too many Zoom whitening treatments? She was across from me at Applebee's a few weeks ago. Talking about how she "really needs a tanning appointment before the party as she didn't want to look pale." Sweetest thing she was, but okay. Seriously. Less IS really more, and as I myself grow older, I understand that more and more.

I have really enjoyed getting older, I have rocked my share of intense tans, but I have also found that my love of the sun and the need for a good skin care line is SO important as I age. My makeup and skin care routine includes a SPF, but layer upon layer can be trying. Great powder sunscreens and dry oil types are both nourishing while not leaving you doused in shine. I always apply my own skincare and SPF products I love, then I apply a healthy mineral powder sweep all over my face {spf 25}. Being half Czech and German, I can't help but easily tan when I walk outdoors, so I need to be aware of that consistently and prep myself accordingly. I wear 30-50 SPF and will get tan from even only a couple of times out in the sun. But, I do get a kick start to my tan every year... in my bathroom!

While most people may think the best way to improve their skin color is by natural sun tanning, self tanners and bronzers and getting a spray on tan every now and then is great. I am a body cream addict as well - love a hot shower followed by a dose of body cream, and I have found the very best way and have mastered the art - oh, yes, it takes skill - to apply self tanner/bronzer for a seamless, no line/patchy look. That way, in the natural sun, the tan deepens. With a nice base tan already in place, it is easier to simply apply sunscreen, dust on some powder and go, looking like a beach babe, but without the damage from too many rays.

Check THIS out! A recent study shows that eating certain fruits and vegetables is actually more efficient in deepening your glow! According to new research, people who eat certain fruits and veggies a day have a more golden hue to their skin tone due to consuming more carotenoids. Responsible for the red coloring in fruits and vegetables like carrots, beets and tomatoes, carotenoids are antioxidants that assist in soaking up damaging compounds produced by everyday stress, especially while the body is fighting disease. Yey! I am SUCH a tomato addict as well... even while pregnant, I craved them SO much that I carried 'em in my purse!!

There are a bazillion sunless tanners and bronzers out there - found at grocery stores to department stores, and the brands and prices are varied. You can also get great variety and fast, easy, natural results from the Jergens Natural Glow Line* :

{The absolute KEY for sunless tanner is the application!}
Here is my routine, but you can find plenty of tips online...
Exfoliate in a hot shower or bath, focus on your bendy parts to really soften them up. Douse your body in a delish body cream all over and allow to absorb. Extra dousing around knees, ankles, heels, toes, elbows and hands/knuckles. I LOVE these amazingly creamy and deliciously scented body butters by Boots: Coconut & Hibiscus or Almond Pistachio & Milk Body Butter.

Work your way consistently down from your tummy to your toes and blend in seamlessly and thoroughly, as you apply the faux tanner, paying care around bendy parts: knees, ankles, heels, toes, etc. Then work from tummy up, ending by washing hands thoroughly, especially palms, wrists and between fingers/knuckles. Nobody wants the tell tale "tiger stripes" of self tanning!

Eww! {Sidenote: NOT my hands!}

I don't put tanner on my hands initially, but after I wash them well, I will apply a bit of body cream along backsides and carefully do a light coat on the backs of them. Wait 10 minutes to dress, and my own personal tips: Wear dark colored loose clothing on self tanning days and NEVER wear light colored clothes when going to get a spray tan! Mark my words, you don't want to go in wearing a white bra and arrive at home later to discover a brown one!

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