Monday, May 30, 2011

Vibrant Giveaway Winner! {May 2011}

The debut of my "A Life More Vibrant" blog this month has been super fun and the response via Facebook, emails, texts, calls and kind commentary from SO many people has been simply amazing, rewarding and means just SO much to me! I LOVE that you love it - I have such great fans! And I look forward to continuing to provide you with enjoyment as you follow it!

With that said... I wonder what could be in this lovely box?

I fell in love with the box before I fell in love with what was inside... the bright, lively pop of colors and painted petals blooming within a vibrant, radiant shell... it caught my eye instantly. Once I experienced what was within, I knew I had to share my discovery with someone. Tucked within the box is something simply incredible - silky, sweetly scented with honey, lavender, orange blossom and lilies - it is fabulous and it is Winifred Wikkeling Royal Creme*.

My beautiful daughter had the joy of drawing out of the pitcher {I love to collect little pitchers!} the winner of our very first giveaway, and I am so excited to address the box to...

Felicity Garcia!
{please email me your address to!}


I also have a "beautiful little sparkly something" heading out to the one person who discovered the "hidden post" about me down the right side column of the blog... my own niece, Erica Resendez! Good eyes, girl!

Congrats lovely ladies! I hope these little gifts embrace you and that you enjoy them!

{Find out more info about the lovely creme here:}


  1. I WON! I almost never win anything! I am so excited to have won, but more than that I am deeply appreciative of your site and all of the great tips, beautiful photographs and inspirational words!

  2. AWESOME! Congratulations Felicity! :)

  3. Yay! How fun! :-)

  4. I have such fun shopping for the giveaways - such a win win, as in the giving is the true getting :)
