Monday, June 20, 2011

{summer braids}

There is something so dreamy, so relaxed about summer hair, isn't there? Tousled by the wind and kissed by the sun. Scented with coconut, orchid or grapefruit and you are remembered long after a hug has come and gone.

Braids are that lovely combination of Bohemian cool and romantic elegance, and in the sweet summer months, they not only look pretty but are almost ethereal, adding a casually chic yet soft accent to locks. Whether in a sundress, shorts and a tank top, or even a more dressed-up outfit, adding the woven intrigue of a simple braid adds that imperfectly perfect, dreamy and relaxed summertime touch. And to add an AMAZING scent to your strands, click HERE for one of my FAVORITES, as you can never go wrong with "Flowerbomb"!

For more AMAZINGLY beautiful braided pics, go HERE!

Create a few of your own fun braids by following this instructional:


  1. Love the images, and yes summer hair is the best! Those of us with long hair can definitely rock the braids and tousled looks. =)

  2. Love love LOVE the sweetness of mussed summer hair!

  3. This makes me want to play with braiding my hair! Fun!!

    1. With your awesome stylin' skills, you will create some look drop dead gorgeous looks I am sure, sweet girl!
