Monday, August 1, 2011

sweetly scented

What scents do YOU adorn yourself with?

I have only recently begun to collect and tuck away my perfume bottles after the perfume has long been enjoyed. I SO wish I would have thought to do this years back when I began to adorn myself with scents of stages in my life!

As a teen, I wore White Shoulders, Sand and Sable and Jessica McClintock. As a young woman, Red Door, Eternity and an array of Victoria's Secret bottles, body creams and lotions lined the top of my dresser. As an older young woman, I continue to adore the classics to the contemporary scents from Chanel No. 5, Estee Lauder Beautiful and the Pleasures line and Miss Dior Cherie to Flora by Gucci, Juicy Couture, Michael Kors Very Hollywood, Marc Jacobs Daisy, Vicktor and Rolf Flowerbomb, True Religion and feminine and floral lines.

Perfumes, colognes and oils of all scents, bottle shapes and sizes - too many to count and name - are LOVED by women and men.

A scent can define you and the place in life that you are encompassed by. It can evoke a memory and create a mood. It can become a lovely habit to enjoy and wrap yourself in.

What are some of YOUR favorites?

The bottles are so lovely!

And oils! Worn alone or add scented oils to your shampoo!
Pure rose oil by Aveda : Pure bliss on your wrists!

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