Monday, August 15, 2011


So, you know when you walk into a place that simply CAPTURES you? An incredible place that within the very first steps inside, your heart begins to pound, your breath is caught and your eyes are in full blown overdrive trying to take in every aspect and every fragment and every detail of OHSOMUCHAMAZINGNESS that you have just encountered?

That was my first reaction {okay, I blushingly admit it is still my every reaction since then...} when I step within the studio of "Vintage Butterfly". It is simply BREATHTAKING and it is no wonder that while being within such a BEAUTIFUL place, beauty simply bursts forth from it, into the most unique and stunningly feminine designs and creations.

And I am SO excited and honored to be GIVING AWAY FOR FREE one of "Vintage Butterfly's" amazing pieces for August 2011's Vibrant Giveaway! Take a looksie! It is a "Vintage Button Bracelet", so take a breath and relish in its' loveliness... and imagine it adorning YOU!!

First, the incredible vintage buttons, faceted stones, beads and glass...
And then the intricate combination of it all...
The super creative extra attention to detail is found in every piece... Here, the simple freshwater pearl is being kissed by a crown of sparkles... And look at the fun chunky clasp! Entwining bold and beautiful PERFECTLY!
Then there is the FEEL of it when you put it on. Ladies, you know exactly what I am talking about, as it feels SO delicately chunky/girly/sexy/vintagey {my new made-up word} and absolutely lovely on! When you add a feminine flair this unique, it is just SO much fun!
I want YOU to win this Vintage Button Bracelet! Be easily entered to do so by completing the three simple steps below!

1} Leave a comment beneath this post describing what you love about the bracelet and why YOU would love to win it for yourself or to give as a gift.
2} Name one thing on your "bucket list" that you wish to do someday.

3} Take a moment to forgive, compliment or pray for someone today.

Thanks for participating and the lucky winner will be announced in early September!

{For more information about Missy's amazing collection, custom designs and oh SO much more!}


  1. i love the combination of vintage and modern elements, i ADORE the clasp!!

    my bucket list item is to swim with whale sharks off the mexican caribbean coast

    i am simultaneously forgiving/praying for somebody right now :)

  2. I love the chunkiness (my new word) and larger-than-life feel blended with the subtle sweetness of this beautiful bracelet. How great would this look and help me to dress up a pair of jeans?!
    Thank you, lovely lady for the chance to win such a fantastic piece of art.
    Something on my bucket list....salsa dance lessons with my hubby.
    And....I forgive because I am forgiven!

  3. Karen Young
    I think this style of bracelet is simple adorable. It reminds me of the old and how it has been recreated to the new style of today. Our Grandmothers would just be so excited to see what we make now with their treasures.
    One of the items on my bucket list is to complete college . It is a process in the making. Raising a family and school are a challenge.
    I to forgive because I am human and need to be forgiven. I have prayers dailey for many are that are near and dear to my heart.
    I would Honor and cherish such a beautiful piece of jewlery .

  4. Sheryl May says.............
    this bracelet is beautiful and each button will represent a piece of my life that has changed for the better. the old antique looks lets me feel and remember that I have come a long way in life to be where I am today. It will be cherished and passed on as a piece of life.

    My one item from my bucket list is to visit China and adore its beauty

    I am praying for all of the people who have beared some type of disaster and to hope they overcome.

  5. What AMAZING comments! I will be drawing the winner this evening and posting tomorrow morning who shall receive the lovely bracelet! THANK YOU for taking a few minutes to comment!
